Benefits of Keyword Rich Domain Names
Many SEO experts and Domainers know using keywords in domain names have been part of standard SEO strategies for years because websites with keyword rich domains tend to perform very well against non keyword rich competitors. While having a keyword rich domain name definitely helps, it is only the foundation to building a valuable eProperty and standing out from millions online.
A descriptive domain name including keywords is a signal to the search engines of what your site is about. All search engine algorithms are based on keywords, for the most part. Ensuring that you are targeting the correct keywords in strategic places including page titles, page content, anchor text, alt text and domain names and urls is critical to getting your site to rank high organically search results. Besides ranking high on the search engines choosing a good domain name is important for your company’s branding and helping web searchers remember your site. With a growing base of internet savvy users, the importance and potential impact of the use of keywords in a domain name can give a website a distinct advantage over its competition and this is why it is essential that you select thr right domain name for your internt venture.
Google and Keyword Rich Domain Names
The Google Panda or Penguin update has effected the rankings of both exact match and partial match domain names. But there is more to this story. These Google upates hit hard those sites that were considered ‘low quality’, like one page landing pages with the only intention to capture traffic and profit from either onsite advertisements or redirects. Many think that this change was not fair while others consider this to help the web searches experince in finding more relevant information in shorter period of time. Fair or not it is what it is. Understanding this if you own an exact match or partial match domain name you can definitely make good use of it, if you are looking to develope the site with quality, helpful content.
Content is unquestionably the most important factor in achieving high rankings on major search engines. Fresh, unique and original content will greatly help your search engine rankings, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of this content is key. The best strategy is to invest into your brand to secure long-term benefits that are in line with your business goals and SEO is just one part of that strategy. Taking the time to do it right is what is most important, and a keyword rich domain name is a great way to start off!
Lease Keyword Rich Domain Names
Many times a company tries to purchase a domain name for a specific keyword and they likely find that it has been taken. One of the biggest reasons these exact match domains are so popular is due to the fact that it allows you to easily obtain the traffic that comes with the keyword that you wanted to rank well for, and this is why they are so sought after. Purchasing a keyword rich domain domain name can be very costly, and at times impossible, as the owner is making use of it for their company already. Domain Leasing can be the right move.
Domain leasing is an alternative financing method for both the buyer and domain owner of any premium domain to come together for a transaction where both parties can benefit from the deal. If certain domain names have been unattainable due to price restrictions domain leasing can solve that problem. Domain leasing works for a domain owner, and leasing works for the party that wants to either own or use the domain for the short or long term. Domain owners can now offer yearly fixed financial terms over 2, 5 and 10 year terms just like commercial real-estate. Companies can even write off these payments as marketing expenses.
Domain Monetization
Those leasing their domain names can monetize their portfolio as most domain parking opportunities provide little to no income at all. Domain Name Leasing will be huge in the years to come as inventory is bought up and millions of new businesses get online each year.
The eProperty business is will prove to be even bigger in the future and domain leasing will be a big part of it.