Part time domain name development
Part time domain name development for future monetization or lead generation. If you’re looking for a great part time business then look no further than domain name development. You can start your business for less than a $100 dollars, and the income generation potential is amazing.
Domain names I like to register and develop focus on service related domain names. I try to register a few dozen domain names focusing on 1 niche within the service industry at a time, like plumbers, electricians, landscapers, etc.
Once I pick the specific niche I want to focus on I will also determine which area I also want to dominate the local search market for within that niche. An example would be, or
Focusing on one niche in one specific area allows you to develop a strategy for ‘owning’ the local search market by developing a dozen or more domains and ranking them for all the keywords and search terms related to the niche.
Part Time Domain Development
The great thing about generating income online developing domain names is that you can do it part time and still make great money doing so.
A few hours per week and a few domain names is all you need. Of course the more hours you put into it the greater the results, but with minimum effort over a course of a few weeks and your domain name will be ready for monetization.
Every week I am evaluating my domain portfolio and developing domains that will eventually be used for my own use or developed and leased to other companies providing them instant value. Every domain developed and ranked provides the future potential to generate a steady stream of income online. If you register the right domains and understand the niches to target you will definitely find a company to lease the domains to.
Yes definitely is a big word to use, but when you can provide instant value to a company competing in a cut throat niche, where the stakes are high and businesses are always looking for an edge to survive, your developed domain names will get leased.
As stated I find service industries focusing on a local area to be the easiest to develop and get leased. I also find that developed and ranked domain names are easy o lease at the $250 to $500 dollars per month range, depending on the industry and the local competition.
Understanding your local search market and the local businesses competing in that market will help you create a development strategy where you can cherry pick the clients you want to work with. Duplicate this process 10 or 20 times and part time domain name development can generate you an easy six figure income online per year!
If you want to learn more about developing domain names, leasing domain names, or generating income as a part time domain name developer connect with me using the contact us page on this website.
With so much opportunity everyone should be developing domain names!