Domain Development Process
We are all looking for the best ways to develop our domain names so that they can produce great results for us in the future.
There is a process to developing domain names.
Think of it as planting seeds today to reap the harvest later. Of course you also have to nurture your crop to have a bountiful harvest, and the same goes for your domains.
Here are some of the things you need to consider when developing domain names today for a future return.
Selecting the right domains to develop
Planning and Implementation
Nurturing them with great content
Marketing for maximum growth
Monetization Opportunities
Selecting the right domain name
The first step of the process is a critical one; selecting the right domain names to develop. But what is the right type of domain name to develop?
Well that all depends.
For us it is mostly related to service industries, medical, law, and online related ventures.
We focus on developing these types of domain names because we feel there will always be potential customers to lease these domain names to; or monetize it in other ways.
However the right domain name for you may be related to another niche, or even on SME you may posse. We have written posts covering this topic which may be beneficial to those just starting out.
But the main takeaway here is that the right domain name is one that will eventually provide enough value to someone else that they take interest in it.
Even simpler, be useful to others. If you can’t be useful (provide value) in any way your not going to be able to help others.
Planning and Implementation
Domain name development success all comes down to proper planning and implementation.
You need to have a plan on the who, what, where, and how to develop your domain name. After it is all planned out its time for action.
All the planning in the world means nothing without the proper implementation of your plan. There is a whole strategy for implementing for success which we have written about in previous posts, and will cover in depth in the future.
Nurturing your Domain
Developing your domain name for future reward means that you are building up the site with valuable content that others will find useful.
You want to also work on getting the site organically ranked on the first page of the search engines. To be of great value to you or your customers the site must contain lots of great content, and it must be ranked very well to be of most use. When we develop domain names for future monetization or to be put to use for our own needs we spend lots of time adding content that will benefit those who encounter it, and a considerable amount of time on SEO efforts.
The two main takeaways here is to nurture your site continuously with great content and increase your organic search engine rankings.
Marketing for Maximum Growth
At the point you have selected a good domain name, nurtured it with quality content for both people who will encounter it and the search engines that will rank it, and now you want to grow it.
For maximum growth we utilize free and paid marketing strategies. At this point your site has been built up with quality content, your SEO foundation has been laid, and now is the time to grow your traffic. Increased traffic should produce better rankings and will begin to establish the site as a resource.
But the biggest focus point at this stage is traffic and first page rankings. You are ready to now move onto income generation.
Monetizing your Domain Name
Monetizing your domain name and generating income is what it is all about. Developing your domain names the right way should provide a great ROI, Especially when the domain names are hand registered.
There are many ways to monetize your domain name, and we use many monetization strategies to maximize earnings. But the two general ways we like to monetize domain names is by leasing the domain name to an end user or selling sponsored ad space on the website.
Which direction we go in depends largely on the domain name and if it is specific to a local market, or is statewide or even national in scope.
We have had lots of success developing domain names and leasing them to local businesses but we also have obtained some great results with directory style domain development.
Every month we plan another round of planting seeds; developing domain names now to be monetized later.
If you are just starting off you have to be patient and have the ability to understand this cycle. The great news is that once you get passed the first cycle you can continue to develop more domain names and increase your earnings exponentially, compounding some serious online income.
If you want to learn more about domain name development, domain name monetization, or opportunities to work with us then feel free to send us an email.
We can help you develop domain names today to profit in the future.